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Towards a Better Future Part II – Women and Finance
Through the process of researching the best way to bring socially responsible investment portfolios to the forefront at our firm we have been pleasantly surprised to see gender become a focus area. There is a small subset of the investment world that is actively applying a gender lens to investing. We are proud to count ourselves in that group.
It has always been our view that gender balance in the world, and specifically in the world of business, would lead to improvements – improvements in corporate culture, business activities, profits, and more. We believe this because we believe that diverse viewpoints and voices give rise to better understanding of complex situations. Making a business successful is certainly complex. However, the vast majority of corporate officers and members of corporate Boards of Directors are men.
In researching both investment topics and topics of personal interest, we have noticed a recurring theme in the world: things that make perfect sense at an intuitive level often require data driven studies to be accepted as valid. Another way of saying this, to borrow from Voltaire, is that “common sense is not so common”.
In our thinking that more women in positions of power would be good for companies and the world, the driving thought is simply that it seems perfectly obvious to us that the wisdom women can bring to the corporate world is largely untapped. If this is correct, there is potential for improvement simply by adding women to the ranks of corporate officers and directors – and that is exactly what some new studies are showing. The bullet points below are quoted from a whitepaper titled “Gender Equality as an Investment Concept”, by Joseph F. Keefe, President & CEO of Pax World Management, LLC. Pax World is a mutual fund company with which we enjoy a close relationship. We include funds managed by Pax World in our socially responsible investment portfolios.
Gender has begun to emerge as an investment theme
Needless to say, these studies represent a starting point for making what we see as common sense more common, and they are exciting to us. There is still a long way to go on this issue. Many more studies are needed to establish the concept of a gender lens as a widely accepted investing tool. We are actively advocating and working with investment companies that are interested in this theme. As well, in our portfolio building work, we include the gender of a mutual fund manager as a factor in deciding allocations.
As we mentioned in our last Investment Commentary, “Toward a Better Future”, we would love to talk to you about your values. We are also available to share with you what we have learned about socially responsible investing. It is our goal to represent your values in your portfolio.
Sol is president of MIFI Wealth. He has over 20 years of experience in financial markets and managing businesses.
As Seen In
“Relating to our personal finances can be very destabilizing. Feelings of peace and confidence are often masked by obsession, uncertainty or fear. Most people have developed strong, habitual patterns with respect to their financial lives, including taxes. Mindfulness cuts through these patterns and can allow us to see money matters more clearly, and accomplish positive change.”
Solomon Halpern
“Mindfulness allows our personal experiences, narratives, and emotions to become valuable tools rather than distractions to our financial planning.”
Solomon Halpern
“There seems to be a lack of synchronicity, a separation from the financial self.”
Solomon Halpern
The Personal Path of Mindful Finance
Being Mindful When It Comes To Money – An Interview with Sol Halpern